Friday, July 29, 2011


Been hearing a lot about feelings they're not the thing to make decisions by...they're not in control of your life, etc., etc. It's all true but, it doesn't make experiencing them any easier.

I've been feeling a lot of feelings lately.

It's hard not to take some things personal even when someone says, "Don't take it personal."

It's hard to feel sad and be encouraging at the same time.

It's hard not to let your old baggage influence your interpretation of your current circumstances.

It's hard when you're disappointed with someone you've trusted.

It's hard when someone you love is misunderstood.

It's hard when you're misunderstood.

It's hard when you have to sit still and wait and trust God for what is best in the long run.

It's hard sometimes.

It just is.

There's an old song...I know Whom I have believ-ed and am persuaded that He is a-ble to keep that which I've com-mitted unto Him against that Day.

Hangin' on...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Which Ocracy Do You Prefer?

Which Ocracy Do You Prefer?

I've got to weigh in on what's happening in Madison...

It's not a coincidence that the same afternoon that Scott Walker released his budget repair bill to the public that we received a phone message from the Teamsters strongly urging us to contact our representatives and tell them to vote against the bill.

I read the letter the governor sent to the state employees. It was sent to me by my state assembly representative who preferred for me to read it myself than to explain it in his own words. Collective bargaining was limited, not eliminated. There is a big difference between the two.

I hope the people who elected the senators who fled the state and still refuse to return will initiate a recall. They need come back and fulfill their responsibilities to those they represent by participating in the democratic process. Their absence has bought the attention and time we all needed to review the bill. To prolong the vote any further is unreasonable.

Please don't compare this to what is going on in the middle East. We already have a democratic process in place which is not a facade for a dictatorship.

Please don't compare this to what happened with Mercury Marine or Harley Davidson. These were individual companies dealing with business through unions representing employees. These unions do not represent the entire citizenry of the state of Wisconsin, neither have they been elected to state government. It's nice to know that the union members are willing to make some concessions but, the unions are not responsible for the state legislative process. The union members who are citizens of Wisconsin elected the state senators to represent them in Madison and these senators are responsible for the legislative process and they need to vote.

If you're going to compare it to something how about comparing it to stopping a bad habit or breaking an addiction? I remember when I quit smoking. Not fun. My body SCREAMED for a smoke! Losing weight hasn't been any easier...and I keep giving in...and where has that got me? If you don't know me, you can guess. And an addiction...that is only overcome by the grace and power of God. Well, that's all I can think about when I consider what our nation is facing all the way from Washington, to our local municipalities, to our own personal budgets. We're all going to be better off the sooner we do what needs to be done and if we don't, the consequences will continue to multiply to our detriment. Either way there will be pain and we will reap what we have sown.

Let's keep maturity and civility in sight when sharing our own perspective. A soft answer turns away wrath...and a polite and respectful tone is much easier to listen to (and much easier on the throat). Even if you don't change some one's mind, you can still add value to the process.

Click on the link to Chuck Colson's article in BreakPoint on 'ocracies' (good article) and at the bottom of his article you will find more links to other perspectives from the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and NBC Chicago.