Friday, September 5, 2008


This continues to be a very trying election season.

I don't trust political rhetoric or advertisements.

Don't even get me started on the email forwards.

Research (discovering the facts and their correct context) is difficult and time consuming.

The worst thing about it is trying to talk with those whom you know about why they are going to choose a particular candidate or not. It seems a great many people don't know what they believe or why they believe it, let alone being able to express themselves logically and respectfully. I keep running in to these disappointing scenarios that end up being a stress on the relationship because I keep pressing the why, and how, and what is the source of your info questions.

I want to be convinced.

I'm a willing listener not a captive audience. Convince me. Here's your chance to make a difference, to influence the outcome of an election.

Just think about this before you get on your soapbox; do you think describing your listener as an "idiot" will help convince them of your point of view? Do you think expressing contemptuous remarks about a particular candidate without a factual, intelligent argument as to why you believe they deserve such disrespect will help your listener align with your point of view? (Although, I suppose "birds of a feather, flock together" could apply in positive and negative ways.)

For those of you who are working hard at getting the best info for making the best decision in this election, here are a couple of links that have been helpful to me. It's nice to know that there are those who understand the need.