Monday, December 11, 2006

On mission

Yesterday, as we observed communion, I held the bread and the cup in my hand, prayerfully meditating on the significance of these elements while I waited for the others to be served.

It occured to me that they (the elements - bread and grape juice representing the body and blood of Jesus) are a tangible reminder of how Jesus stayed on mission. He did not deviate. He did what He was sent to do. He did the will of His Father. It took Him to the cross.

We are supposed to do the same - the will of the Father. This is our mission, too.

[Lord, I'm off mission so much of the time. I seek my own comfort, my own will instead of Yours. Forgive me. Cause me to think about You first and remember that I'm not my own, I've been bought with a price. Cause me to get and stay on mission. Thank You for Your mercy and grace - without You, there would be no hope. Amen]

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Christmas "hecticity"...

"Hecticity" is a word I created years ago while trying to describe all the things I was feeling over the holiday season.

I have not abandoned this blog. I'm putting the appropriate priority level on it.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 2, 2006

One more try

I've not been able to access this blog since Nov 17th. The folks at the home office have given me some aid and we'll see if I can follow directions well enough to publish again?!