Saturday, October 19, 2013

switching it up

With the weather turning cold I've actually been chilly this past week! That is unusual for me. Sky depends on me for warmth! As a result I've been desiring hot things to eat and I've had oatmeal each morning this week. Taste buds are changing; I've had mine w/berries, a TBS of raw almond butter & a TBS of ground flax seed. Before it would have been butter, salt & pepper w/a little half and half; or just mixed w/cheese. I've been eating my oatmeal that way since I was a kid. Very rarely with anything sweet.

Well, I needed a change today. Pancakes sounded really good. Like my oatmeal, I've eaten them differently. As a child it was Bisquick mix pancakes with Mrs.Buttersworth's pancake syrup and a big glass of milk; then I would be asleep within the hour. As an older teen I started putting just a sprinkle of sugar on top after buttering them. Didn't make me quite as sleepy. As an adult I've taken to putting peanut butter or applesauce or both on them and then I don't fall asleep at all. Now I know what made me fall asleep in the first place AND I know how to put some real nutrition into the pancakes! I decided to give my old pancake recipe a makeover. Although this updated version is not vegan, it is gluten free, has protein, fiber and won't cause a blood sugar spike (unless you put syrup on them).

I had mine (pictured above) w/ a cup of mixed organic berries, yum! I also had 3 w/ a little bit of almond butter, very nice! This breakfast hit the spot (won't put me to sleep) and with an orange to go will it, will hold me till lunch! Best part? Great nutrition that won't go straight to fat.
This is my new Silver Dollar Garbanzo Pancakes recipe - TASTY!
Simple recipe makes 18-24, 2" diameter pancakes, serves 2 adults or 3 children:
1 cup garbanzo flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp stevia powder-optional (this is not Truvia or Splenda, this is the herb stevia)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
(I think next time I'll add 2 TBS ground flax seed, too, just to get the DHA in there)
Mix the dry ingredients in a 1 quart mixing bowl then add:
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 egg
Mix well and let rest 5 minutes while your griddle is heating to hot (my guess is 300*)
Spoon batter onto very clean, HOT griddle (no spray or oil) and cook first side until you can easily slide your spatula underneath (4-5 minutes for the first ones on the griddle, 3-4 min. for the rest of them)
Turn over and cook another minute, remove to warm plate while you cook the next set

Garbanzo flour only browns very lightly.

All the essential ingredients can be found at most any grocery store.

Don't they look nice?

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